Step into the extraordinary life of a Chinese immigrant who overcame the challenges to achieve the American dream. This biography follows the path of a young boy who learns the value of hard work and perseverance through kung fu training. He escapes the harshness of political oppression, bravely ventures out on his own, and embraces opportunity in a new land. The now highly recognized Grandmaster Pui Chan is one of the pioneers responsible for bringing traditional kung fu to America. He built his first kung fu temple in America, and leads and internationally renowned martial arts system across the world. Pui's eldest daughter and successor Mimi Chan confronts a new set of challenges, trying to keep the traditional values alive in an increasingly modernized era.
A documentary on the massacre of Planas in the Colombian east plains in 1970. An Indigenous communit...
Self-portrait. In 1998 our family came under armed attack. We were able to escape and we fled Grozny...
The Age of Stupid is the new movie from Director Franny Armstrong (McLibel) and producer John Battse...
The story of a Serer village in the groundnut basin of Senegal. Using the words of their ancestors p...
The Purity Ball symbolizes a father's protection over his daughter's virginity, but how does this re...
Every Wednesday at noon, women who were kidnapped for sexual purpose by the Japanese army during its...
Portraits of contemporary African women from four West African nations: Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal ...
Alexandra Pelosi travels through the United States interviewing and filming several evangelical past...
The Beatles First US Visit uniquely chronicles the inside story of the two remarkable weeks when Bea...
This documentary on the effect the talent competition "Afghan Star" has on the incredibly diverse in...
SWIM TEAM chronicles the overwhelming struggles and extraordinary triumphs of 3 young athletes with ...
Over the past few years, Israel's ongoing military occupation of Palestinian territory and repeated ...
The film analyzes the efforts by the families of 9/11 victims to create the 9/11 Commission and what...
A survivor of the Rwandan Genocide struggles to forgive the man who killed her children. A victim’s...
This is the story of Val and Clare: a mother and a daughter. After the tragic death of her eldest da...
Dr Iain Stewart tells the story of how Earth works and how, over the course of 4.6 billion years, it...
"Meat Joy is an erotic rite — excessive, indulgent, a celebration of flesh as material: raw fish, ch...
Shot by a reported “1,001 Syrians” according to the filmmakers, SILVERED WATER, SYRIA SELF-PORTRAIT ...
A fascinating documentary focusing on backstage realities of art and business during the British syn...
A behind-the-scenes documentary about the Clinton for President campaign, focusing on the adventures...