The musical pig in quest for a friend. It eventually finds one, but at what cost...
In the grip of passionate foreplay, Zigoto and his lover are oblivious to an escalating series of in...
This is the story of the day when Adolfo met Paco, seven intense hours summarized in 10 minutes
How far would you go to achieve your dreams? That's the question that Mark Jenkins is constantly ask...
Experimental computer animation from pioneering artist Ed Emshwiller.
A marine adventure on the persecution of dreams becomes a pretext to play with art forms.
Sergio, a Cuban immigrant, wants to work as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant, but the world does not...
A child discovers the fun with power tools in the workshop of his father.
In a not very distant galaxy, an empire will try to nail their flag.
A young boy tries his hand at chopping firewood with his father's razor sharp axe. He finds that the...
A mouse sings a lullaby to her baby, but he falls asleep, so she ask for help to her neighbors.
A castaway is interrogated by Interpol, conquered by an imperialist ship, loses his lone palm tree t...
A couple walks quietly when suddenly they see a photography school. She's just been gifted with a DS...
Borges meets Murnau in a spinning nightmare. And the baby sings: “No, not be scared old bird, to awa...
In one single shot, Obras offers a poetic journey through time and space, exploring Barcelona's wild...
The body of a young woman is slowly consumed by insects.
This brief sequence, titled 'Bazaar,' or 'The Market,' remains the sole surviving remnant of what wo...
In 1879 Paris, a young orphan dreams of becoming a ballerina and flees her rural Brittany for Paris,...