The program follows the Muppets from their origins in Sam & Friends on local television through commercials, guest appearances, clips from the pilots for The Muppet Show, rare promos, and much more. This compilation, co-curated by late Muppets head writer Jerry Juhl, has been a centerpiece of “Muppets, Music & Magic” since it's premiere presentation in 2004 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.
A compilation of clips and interviews, originally broadcast on BBC2's Red Dwarf Night in 1998, and s...
The wicked women of Hammer included such cult stars and screen legends as Bette Davis, Ingrid Pitt, ...
Through the years, Hammer's depiction of female vampires was consistently groundbreaking and always ...
Alex Jones looks back at the highlights of Barry’s career on a selection of BBC shows, featuring som...
A crowd-sourced documentary with clips filmed all on the same day.
Trace the life and career of visionary puppeteer Jim Henson through this fascinating documentary, wh...
While the Muppets prepare a tribute to the late Jim Henson, they learn about the life and career of ...
Take a stroll down Sesame Street and witness the birth of the most influential children's show in te...
For the first time in their careers, all the Muppets (except the ones that couldn't make it, like th...
Beloved by children of all ages around the world, Elmo is an international icon. Few people know his...
A documentary which examines the creation and co-production of the popular children's television pro...
Annual countdown of the 40 most shocking celebrity moments of the year.
A documentary shot by filmmakers all over the world that serves as a time capsule to show future gen...
Join host Michael Keaton to celebrate "Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood," the pioneering children's serie...
A video store clerk showcases clips from Z-grade horror movies to curious customers.
Sure we’re interested in Jim Henson’s work as a filmmaker and creative innovator, but his brilliant ...
Music was always an integral part of The Muppet Show, and assembled here is a collection of some of ...
Go behind the scenes to witness the magic of the Muppets in this compilation of rare footage of the ...
A collection of Jim Henson's commercials, industrial reels, short films and some related talk show a...
Frasier Crane visits his therapist and reminisces over the events of the past 11 years since his mov...