The story follows a group of Croatian refugees who have been forced to leave their hometown of Vukovar by Serbian forces during Croatia's struggle for independence. The people are settled at a railway station in a village near Vukovar, where they live in a train which is adapted to serve as a temporary accommodation.The situation grows dim as the date of their return proves to be uncertain, and the lives of the survivors and refugees becomes more and more complicated being burdened by PTSP and strong feelings of hope to return to their homestead.
Children of War is a movie based on the true events of the 1971 Genocide. Can we, in search of power...
An upright ex-army man, Jai fights a solitary war against corruption and injustice. With a simple ma...
After a group of friends graduate from Delhi University, they listlessly haunt their old campus, unt...
It's 1947 and the borderlines between India and Pakistan are being drawn. A young girl bears witness...
Set in Burma in the year 1945, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose plans to launch the INA to fight the Brit...
Set during the first Anglo-Boer War 1880-1881 details the events leading up to this final battle end...
Illustrates the story of the siege of the Croatian town of Vukovar by the JNA and Serbian paramilita...
After the breaking of mass movements in 1971., the student Ilija Baric must leave the country becaus...
Matija Remetin is young man who is studying drama in Zagreb just before the outbreak of WW2. He rent...
As children, a Mozambique native and a Portuguese colonialist were friends. Years have passed and Mo...
The lover of an Italian revolutionary offers herself to Napoleon in exchange for her sweetheart's li...
A beautiful, intelligent and flirtatious young girl, Yonta, is secretly in love with a friend of her...
Buenos Aires, 1880. A journalist interviews Manuel Esteban Corvalán, one of the last living men who ...
"O Corneteiro Lopes" is a story of love and courage. The city of Salvador is under siege by Brazilia...
TAITA BOVES chronicles a thirst for revenge that devastated a country. It tells the true story of Jo...
Lamas plays an indentured servant who rises to power in Georgia shortly after the Revolutionary War.
In the year 1870 Rome, then governed by the Pope, was captured by the Italian General La Marmora's t...
Musa, who is only a thirteen-year-old shoe shiner, undergoes destiny through his adventure of waging...
Documentary about The Armed Boats Squadron Dubrovnik, a volunteer unit of the Croatian Navy that ran...
The movie depicts the Romanian War of Independence (1877-1878).