Machiko Matsuoka is a high school music teacher who lives with Keiko, her older sister with a bad leg. They were close once, but Keiko became disabled in an incident. Believing that Machiko was the cause, Keiko has treated her like a slave ever since. Machiko has done everything she says, but her frustration has accumulated. One day, Machiko begins a secret relationship with her student.
Kevin, an intelligent guy helps out Maxwell to improve his reading skills. In return, Kevin wants Ma...
In 1890 Paris, Moulin Rouge is a nightclub where crippled artist Toulouse-Lautrec feels like he fits...
Based on the life of German toymaker Margarete Steiff, the movie shows her long way from a 10-year-o...
Shoroku, who is said to be Naniwa's great detective, and his assistant Wato-kun are a gay couple. He...
A man who is tired of life and a HOMO show dancer meet in Hiroshima and fall in love overnight...Sho...
One day, a young man who lost his father when he was young was supposed to meet up with a young man ...
Carolyn's sorority sisters set their sights on the Sorority of the Year award and coaching challenge...
Turkish Pollyanna's story.
Rinko inherits her parents’ public bath after they pass away. She starts to manage the business with...
On the sand dunes at dusk, the hot and soothing sand is misty, and he abandons his father's morals f...
Two young men meet as fate would have it. They loved each other. However, perhaps due to fate, the t...
Haunted by the death of their father and the disappearance of their mother, four children, three gir...
Aoi (Miri Mizuki), a new wife, married Kitajima, the brother of Sayaka (Mai Tamaki), a former collea...
A young woman becomes aware of a conspiracy to enable the Devil to walk the Earth in human form. To ...
Rosa's life, a highly valued professional, is turned upside down when her grandfather Marcelino dies...
Shinji is a middle-aged, sleaze film director who used to be famous. He hardly goes back home and mo...
A biography of artist Frida Kahlo, who channeled the pain of a crippling injury and her tempestuous ...
Haruki, a female college student, is exposed to the curious eyes of customers in a cage in a bar. Bu...