A documentary consisting of a series of travelogue vignettes providing glimpses into cultural practices throughout the world intended to shock or surprise, including an insect banquet and a memorable look at a practicing South Pacific cargo cult.
A shockumentary mixtape consisting of four videos taken off the internet. Includes a real grave robb...
The Chinese global machine has been invited to revitalise the ailing Swedish town of Kalmar. The tow...
The third installment of the infamous "is it real or fake?" mondo series sets its sights primarily o...
A 1970s American elementary school program encouraging students to figure out for themselves the uni...
A collection of death scenes, ranging from TV-material to home-made super-8 movies. The common facto...
A disturbing documentary about true murders and real death.
A young pair from Stuttgart fly to Shanghai to hop aboard the textile business of his father while s...
The director goes back to her roots in Pangnirtung, amongst her family and community. It leads her t...
'Oski' is an intimate portrait of a young prodigy and the culture that surrounds him. A film docum...
Using hidden cameras and never-before-seen footage, Earthlings chronicles the day-to-day practices o...
An Asian film crew’s attemptsat making a film while navigating the strict laws of filming in the UK....
A documentary about the end of the colonial era in Africa, portraying acts of animal poaching, viole...
Pier Paolo Pasolini sets out to interview Italians about sex, apparently their least favorite thing ...
American television programming dominates around the world at the expense of regional cultural voice...
A behind-the-scenes look at the rise of the American rock band, Kings of Leon.
Four young people from Tanzania and Cameroon complete a year of weltwärts voluntary service in Germa...
Filmed over twenty years, Tibetan Buddhist Master Choogyal Namkhai Norbu watches as his western-born...
Mondo-style shockumentary about various aspects of the occult and paranormal. An investigation into ...
An early example of ultra-realism, this movie contrasts the quiet, bucolic life in the outskirts of ...
A "documentary" on witchcraft, most notable for depicting a black mass in which a cockerel is sacrif...