The story revolves around Madelaine, a charming farm girl and school photographer from Dewetsdorp. H...
The film takes place during the annual Rapport International Cycling Tour. Two brothers compete as C...
Lt. Gerhard Muller is the son of a pilot who was killed while flying with the South African Air Forc...
Poena is Koning follows the sexual awakening of Poena Pieterse and his high school buddy Vaatjie, wh...
In order to earn a regular living, two unsuccessful entertainers join the navy. They soon find thems...
Katrien (Cherié van der Merwe) is dumped by her boyfriend, high school rugby star Werner (Altus Thea...
The second "Afrikaans is Groot" concert. It is an annual concert where some of the biggest Afrikaans...
The forth "Afrikaans is Groot" concert. It is an annual concert where some of the biggest Afrikaans ...
The misadventures Vaatjie Venter, a talented pastry chef and the top student at the hotel school whe...
The fifth "Afrikaans is Groot" concert. It is an annual concert where some of the biggest Afrikaans ...
In a remote stretch of Patagonia, Argentina, there is a family - the Dickasons - who speak a languag...
"REM" is an Afrikaans Sci-Fi Drama about a grief-stricken father, Dehan, who becomes obsessed with t...
After many years, Kandas (Ryno Hattingh), literally runs into his primary school sweetheart, Kiepie ...
The Sixth "Afrikaans is Groot" concert. It is an annual concert where some of the biggest Afrikaans ...
The Seventh "Afrikaans is Groot" concert. It is an annual concert where some of the biggest Afrikaan...
The story is about Poenie (Franscois Coertze) who burns his scrotum with a welding iron while workin...
Carike Keuzenkamp in this Afrikaans sing-along DVD for children.
On a South African plantation, a maniac is on the loose, first killing the estate's animals, then st...
The Unitas u/21 rugby team hero, Wimpie Koekemoer, is offered a contract to play rugby in England. K...