The Maclean brothers, Paul and Norman, live a relatively idyllic life in rural Montana, spending muc...
A young man abandons his family for a solitary life of fly-fishing. His goal was to find his own way...
A man named Seligman finds a fainted wounded woman in an alley and he brings her home. She tells him...
This is a film about practical fishing with dry flies. We are together with Morten Oland, who travel...
This is a movie in the series The Fish & The Fly . In these films , we go deep into the details ...
This is dry fly fishing at its best. Terrestrials are land insects - grasshoppers, beetles, crane f...
We are back with Morten Oeland on fishing trips in completely different environments. We fish in col...
The Tørrfluelandet series are the best-selling fishing films in the Nordics. Cozy and good humor in ...
In Paul Brandt’s filming debut, he joins friend Paul Norris and legendary fly-fishing guide, Naoto A...
Kristallklar tells the tale of a hidden river holding wild brown trout near the border of Luxembourg...
Susannah and Jesse Stanton divorced two years prior with three children. When Susannah starts dating...
The main part of the film takes place by the legendary Lethe River on New Zealand’s wild and wondrou...
In Franklin, West Virginia, something magical is happening in the local streams! A native trout spec...
AMFF ambassador Rachel Finn grapples with life after loss. Showcasing an inspiring outlook on moving...
Trout streams are fountains of youth for 86-year-old fly fishing legend, Joe Humphreys: a man who wa...
The Land of Little Rivers, a network of tributaries in the Catskill Mountains of New York, is the bi...
Photographed entirely on 16mm & 35mm film, the breathtaking imagery of DRIFT will be captivating wit...
Fly tying and fly casting instructor Jamie shares with you the basic knowledge you'll need to tie a ...