Back in 1976, microprocessors had a maximum of 8.5K transistors for 64bits of memory. The Queen of England sent her first email, and Steve Wozniak designed the Apple I. And a post-Star Trek but pre-TJ Hooker William Shatner made this film for AT&T about the future of microprocessors.
Over the past few years, technology has improved our lives in so many ways. Now, some people, called...
Mentally ill. Deviant. Diseased. And in need of a cure. These were among the terms psychiatrists use...
The portrait of a woman who remembers. Sheila tells the story of Sheila, without concessions or evas...
The incredible story of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, featuring exclusive interviews, rare performan...
Professor Jim Al-Khalili looks at how we have created machines that can simulate, augment, and even ...
A.I. guru Ben Goertzel grew up in a hippie community in Oregon during the Vietnam War. Inspired by s...
A rare 1979 BBC Arena documentary on the Albion Band, Ashley Hutchings and the development of Englis...
Takes us to locations all around the US and shows us the heavy toll that modern technology is having...
Brazilian singer Maria Bethania has a 40-year singing career. A documentary shows her concerts and f...
With four strikes against her (black, female, poor and a lesbian), our trailblazer, Jewel Thais-Will...
This award-winning, thrilling story is about a group of discarded kids who revolutionized skateboard...
With a magical new invention that promised to revolutionize blood testing, Elizabeth Holmes became t...
Follow Barbara Dunkelman and Blaine Gibson as they must survive their work, their social lives and t...
Klaus Kinski has perhaps the most ferocious reputation of all screen actors: his volatility was docu...
An in-depth analysis on the 40th Anniversary of the life and untimely death of Arthur Lee McDuffie a...
Film sponsored by Western Electric (AT&T's equipment manufacturing division), the builder of the Uni...
Explores the history, technology, people, stories and industry influence of this lesser-known person...
Years ago, artists would walk around the muck at the edge of the San Francisco Bay in Emeryville, an...
Short documentary on the shunters in the Darling Island, Sydney, Australia railyard. Filmed in 1977.