The third installment in the successful Bad Ass action-comedy franchise. Bad Asses on the Bayou reunites the dynamic duo, Frank Vega (Danny Trejo) and Bernie Pope (Danny Glover), as they travel to Louisiana to attend the wedding of their dear friend Carmen Gutierrez (Loni Love). What was pictured as a wedding weekend escape to the south turns violently ugly as madness and mayhem ensue, pressing our senior heroes to once again serve justice.
What if the events in a key era in our history were actually completely different than what our hist...
In his first film El Santo was still referred to as ‘El Enmascarado’. Rendered compliant by a scient...
In a world ravaged by crime, the entire island of Manhattan has been converted into a walled prison ...
A disc jockey, a pimp and an Italian tourist escape from jail in New Orleans.
When a madman dubbed 'Scorpio' terrorizes San Francisco, hard-nosed cop, Harry Callahan – famous for...
Zed is an American vault-cracker who travels to Paris to meet up with his old friend Eric. Eric and ...
Two friends, who aspire to take control of things in their locality, face a series of issues when th...
A group of communist spies plan to blow up an essential commercial artery, the Panama Canal. To this...
When the Russian mob kidnaps the daughter of a reformed criminal, he rounds up his old crew and seek...
When a mafia accountant is taken hostage on his beat, a police officer – wracked by guilt from a pri...
The film tells the story of six mental cases, trying to get rid of society's norms and values by kid...
Recently released from a mental hospital, Ricky ties up Marina, a film star he once had sex with and...
Jalal Abu Al-Majd owns one of the turning workshops, and decides to travel to Germany to buy new mac...
A police chief tries to solve a kidnapping that involves a bank robber holding a young boy hostage.
Brian Hartley has finally found the girl of his dreams in Linda. Unfortunately, he can't convince he...
French military man Adrien Dufourquet gets an eight-day furlough to visit his fiancée, Agnès. But wh...
A gangster has fallen head-over-heels in love with a cashier and holds up the bank regularly so that...
Two Yanks are hired to protect a rich lady from a sinister underworld group. Lots of jungle thrills,...
During a typically disaster-filled day, Ben Harris, an angry and frustrated bachelor mailman living ...