This animated short tells the story of Seraphim "Joe" Fortes, one of Vancouver's most beloved citizens. Born in the West Indies, Joe Fortes swam in English Bay for over than 30 years. A self-appointed lifeguard at first, he became so famous that the city of Vancouver finally rewarded him with a salary for doing what he loved best.
In 1858 Charles Darwin struggles to publish one of the most controversial scientific theories ever c...
Explore the dramatic career and personal struggles of the talented and tragically short-lived entert...
Broadcast music evokes erotic and racial fantasies in this commercial.
YEARS OF PILGRIMAGE: Franz Liszt was a virtuoso pianist that took early nineteenth-century Europe by...
The film concerns the life of King Naresuan, who liberated the Siamese from the control of Burma. Bo...
In the late 1960s, the Beach Boys' Brian Wilson stops touring, produces "Pet Sounds" and begins to l...
A 1977 Japanese biographical film directed by Kaneto Shindo based on the life of shamisen player Tak...
In 1914, the Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa invites studios to shoot his actual battles against ...
Epic account of the thief Barabbas, who was pardoned for his crimes and spared crucifixion when Pila...
Filmed in the coal country of West Virginia, "Matewan" celebrates labor organizing in the context of...
A man's repeated attempts to retrieve an apple off a high tree branch all prove fruitless. What doe...
Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private join forces with undercover organization The North Wind to stop ...
While trapped on the island of Madagascar, the Central Park Zoo escapees receive a visit from Santa-...
The life and career of Erwin Rommel and his involvement in the plot to assassinate Hitler.
The life of Katherine of Alexandria. Constantine joins the Roman army to find his missing childhood ...
Sarı Zeybek is a 1953 biopic film written and directed by Münir Hayri Egeli. The film specifically s...
From the 1960s to the 1980s, evangelist Jim Baker and his ambitious wife, Tammy Faye, rose from humb...