A splendid 10-minute animated film by Sharon Smith. It is an adaptation of a tale by Frank Key. Narrated by Key himself, it has been screened at film festivals and competitions all over the world, including Annecy, Edinburgh, Brazil and last month’s Raindance in London.
It's an afternoon in Versailles, during the reign of Louis XIV.
The creators of Wallace & Gromit bring you an exciting and original story about a group of chickens ...
When the sky really is falling and sanity has flown the coop, who will rise to save the day? Togethe...
Chanticleer is a foolhardy farm rooster who believes his crows can actually make the sun come up and...
In "Tespis Teporocho", a boy who interacts with vagabonds thirsty for knowledge, finally absorb them...
Toto has grown and now is a young cock. An evil rancher tricks the female owner of the ranch where t...
PK, an English orphan terrorized for his family's political beliefs in Africa, turns to his only fri...
Ort Flack is 12 years old and lives with his mother and his sister Tegwyn in the Australian outback....
Odd is terrified of his head, until one day he falls in love with Gunn who is both fearless and happ...
När Hönan blir bortrövad inleder de gröna upptågsmakarna Kalle Stropp och Grodan Boll jakten med en ...
A man who trains fighting cocks vows to remain silent until one of his birds wins a championship.
An alien spaceship breaks down and crashes on earth in the countryside.
Super Chicken fights chicken hater Eggs Benedict
An awkward young farm boy undergoes a profound and painful rite of passage in Michael Burke's master...
When Sam splits up with her partner, she is forced to move back into her childhood home with her mot...
A narcoleptic pet rooster never wakes up on time because he’s too busy dreaming of being the greates...
When Milo the cat and Otis the dog are separated, they each set off on an adventurous and often peri...
Chronicling the troubled existence of Duncan Mudge, a 14-year-old misfit who—while vying for the att...
Charley invents a machine that turns ordinary, breakable eggs into rubbery, unbreakable ones for tra...