A woman abandoned by the man she loved all her life becomes a ghost and takes revenge for her offense!
A samurai kills a blind man who tells him to repay his debts. Because of the samurai's actions his e...
Nominated for Golden Berlin Bear.
A master sculptor and his apprentice are trapped in a bad snow storm after finding a special tree fo...
A kabuki actress is murdered. Her pet cat laps its mistress's blood and becomes a demon possessed by...
A ghost story about a woman who dies a violent death and appears to the man she loves as a vengeful ...
In Numada, Jyoshu, Seijun's mistress dies a horrible death at the hands of a gang of vicious vassals...
The video is a compilation of six short stories based on Japanese folklore legends. Each story is ap...
A quintessential example of the period "ghost cat" (bakeneko or kaibyo) movie, this was one of at le...
Tanuma Kandayuu is a high class samurai of the house of Nabeshima. He finds a lavish board of Go (a ...
A woman loses her son through an evil conspiracy and commits suicide. Shortly afterwards a ghost cat...
Okoyo, the mistress of Lord Arima, fears that she is being replaced by a younger woman named Otaki. ...
The Lord of Okazaki is killed by his brother-in-law. Although the Lord's widow bears a child, she is...
A film about the Ghost of Okiku that's based on the kabuki play Bancho Sarayashiki.
A tryst between the young warrior Hagiwara Shinzaburo and beautiful Otsuyu is discovered, and the sh...
A power struggle in the fief of Okazaki causes the death of Namiji, a nobleman's daughter. As her fi...
When a nobleman finds a woman to be an obstacle to his growing political influence, he kills her and...
While transporting a bride-to-be in a closed carriage (kago) while during a thunderstorm, a group of...