Set aboard a navy cargo ship during World War II, this comedic drama follows Lt. Doug Roberts (Robert Hays, Airplane!), who battles boredom and a tyrannical captain to the admiration of Ensign Pulver, Doc, and the crew.
This military service comedy chronicles the misadventures of the U.S.S. Bustard in Japan. The crew h...
Maverick Navy Lieutenant Commander Tom Dodge will never be a textbook officer, but he's a brilliant ...
On a layover in Hawaii two conniving Navy seamen borrow money to lay down bets that their ship will ...
A traitor is lurking somewhere aboard the USS Carolina, and Lt. Tom Randolph is determined to find t...
Two Navy men are ordered to bring a young offender to prison, but decide to show him one last good t...
Retired Lieutenant Commander Quinton McHale spends his days puttering around the Caribbean in the ol...
Rivals Bill Arden and Paul Herbert enter the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis in order to impress a g...
Popular crooner Russ Raymond abandons his career at its peak and joins the Navy using an alias, Tomm...
Three sailors wreak havoc as they search for love during a whirlwind 24-hour leave in New York City.
Meet Duewand Collier Jr.-Male, 68 years old, American Citizen, a child conceived in the backdrop of ...
The crew of PT-73 get into trouble when they back the wrong horse in a race. Now they have to come u...
The crew of PT-73 are in trouble again when Ensign Parker is mistaken for a pilot and gets shanghied...
Show business twin sisters Rosemary and Susie, one serious and the other a scatterbrain, join the WA...
When the US Navy fleet docks at San Francisco, sailor Bake Baker tries to rekindle the flame with hi...
American sailor Charlie Madison falls for a pretty Englishwoman while trying to avoid a senseless an...
When Lt. John Harkness is assigned as the new skipper of a submarine chaser equipped with an experim...
"Stinky" Smith makes off with the prize money when his buddy, "Knockout" Hansen loses a fight with P...
The Sailor and the Seagull was released by the U.S. Navy in 1949 with a simple goal: encouraging ser...
A lonely Navy sailor falls in love with a Seattle hooker and becomes a surrogate father figure for h...
Corky is the daughter of an officer in the Naval Air Service who, while putting on musical shows for...