Based on true events, the story revolves around the murder of four young women in Northern California in the late 1990s and the subsequent criminal investigation. The film follows the story of a tortured ex-soldier, now police detective, as he and his partner attempt to track down a bizarre series of disappearances, and the brutal slaying of the young women. Director Greg Stechman is an original voice in the popular serial killer genre. In "This Hollow Sacrament", his debut film, he drags you kicking and screaming into the depths of hell and doesn't let you up for air.
Two men wake up to find themselves shackled in a grimy, abandoned bathroom. As they struggle to comp...
Jigsaw has disappeared. Along with his new apprentice Amanda, the puppet-master behind the cruel, in...
The chilling and relentless Jigsaw killer returns to terrorize the city once again. When a gruesome ...
During the mid-1970s, in the Mexican state of Guanajuato, authorities discover a clandestine burial ...
After Ingrid leaves John, he allows himself to be pulled into a mystical and scary world where it is...
After a serial killer strangles several women with a necktie, London police identify a suspect—but h...
Rose, a desperate mother takes her adopted daughter, Sharon, to the town of Silent Hill in an attemp...
A down-and-out Brooklyn detective is hired to track down a singer on an odyssey that will take him t...
On the last day of the holidays, the small village of Woodcreek is homed by a nightmare, everyone wh...
A handsome young drifter is found unconscious near a remote monastery, where he joins forces with a ...
Both Guests and Staff at the Palm Court Motel have become prey, after a serial killer checks in for ...
A movie featuring four stories. First is about a psychotic killer clown stalking a young woman. In ...
One night per year, the government sanctions a 12-hour period in which citizens can commit any crime...
A cash strapped student who starts working the night shift at a Museum suspects that one of the exhi...
Three backpackers head to a Slovakian city that promises to meet their hedonistic expectations, with...
Three American college students studying abroad are lured to a Slovakian hostel, and discover the gr...
The murderous, backwoods Firefly family take to the road to escape the vengeful Sheriff Wydell, who ...
An agoraphobic psychologist and a female detective must work together to take down a serial killer w...
An actress’s perception of reality becomes increasingly distorted as she finds herself falling for h...
Molly Stewart, a teen at the top of her class who survives by working nights as a prostitute on Holl...