Saint Street is a classic American Christmas tale for the entire family. The story follows Percy who is a good man, but has found himself caught up in the riches of the world and is neglecting his most prized possession – his family. Christmas Eve has arrived and Percy is still hard at work late into the night, once again breaking his promises to his wife and kids that he would leave early so that they could drive to their traditional family Christmas party. After being warned time and again to change his ways from a heavenly being from beyond, Percy is about to experience some grave consequences for his actions. In a series of tragic events, Percy faces humble circumstances after losing everything in a car accident – his family, job and home. Paralyzed from the waist down and confined to a wheelchair, he is forced to be homeless and live in the gritty world of misfits on Saint Street.
Within Brooklyn’s ultra-orthodox Jewish community, a widower battles for custody of his son.
When Zach decides to move out, his roommate Andy tries to set up a new life without his best friend.
It’s Christmas time and the family has gathered. Everything goes on as it did the previous Christmas...
A small suburban town receives a visit from a castaway unfinished science experiment named Edward.
Will Freeman is a good-looking, smooth-talking bachelor whose primary goal in life is avoiding any k...
Paul Rivers, an ailing mathematician lovelessly married to an English émigré; Christina Peck, an upp...
The only thing that is working in Cassie's world is her small town business. Her Christmas Cupcakery...
An RCMP officer is ordered to discreetly take a Russian immigrant into custody in advance of a state...
Melody, high powered corporate workaholic for a retail conglomerate, is happy to spend the holidays ...
In the last days of the life of Elvis Presley, he struggles to overcome the effects on his body and ...
After a breakup with her boyfriend, a young woman moves in with her older brother, his wife, and the...
On Christmas Eve, Mauro, a reporter, has 24 hours to find a headline.
When their regal matriarch falls ill, the troubled Vuillard family come together for a hesitant Chri...
In 1971 Salford fish-and-chip shop owner George Khan expects his family to follow his strict Pakista...
Regulars gather at The Blue Jay, a gay bar in Manhattan's Greenwich Village, to celebrate Christmas ...
WWII has ended and Hanna is still grieving over her husband's disappearance. When the Christmas Come...
When the opportunity to co-host a talk show with the fabulous talk show diva Veronika presents itsel...
Upon her untimely death, a workaholic finds herself in training to be a Christmas Angel in Heaven. D...
When a restless young married woman is granted a wish by a Christmas Angel to be single again, she s...