The story follows five months in the life of Belgrade student Maja Sabljic, an actress-to-be, from her high school graduation day (at the end of May) until mid September when she tries to enroll at the Film Academy (FDU). The story is presented in the documentary style, involving the real-life persons of the late seventies' Belgrade scene.
In the 70s, actress Delphine Seyrig and director Carole Roussopoulos, both militant feminists, were ...
Documentary portrait of the actress Romy Schneider, in which director Frederick Baker tries to form ...
Diana Mariscal reached a moment of fame in the sixties, when at just 18 years of age she was the lea...
It is a documentary story about five legends of russian cinema: Nonna Mordyukova, Tatyana Okunevskay...
The life and career of the hailed Hollywood movie star and underappreciated genius inventor, Hedy La...
Profile of actress Greta Garbo, narrated by Glenn Close
The film is about the director’s mother, the movie actress Nina Antonova. Now she is 80. She has had...
Makhmalbaf puts an advertisement in the papers calling for an open casting for his next movie. Howev...
Through vintage film clips of past Bond movie epics, and with the participation of several former "B...
Eva Ebner is a Berliner who gives the appearance of being rather eccentric. She knows the film busin...
The trio of actresses have ostensibly gathered to pay tribute to Mai Zetterling, but also reminisce ...
Follow Academy Award winner Olympia Dukakis behind the scenes in this affectionate profile of a stal...
The definitive look at Betty White's life and career. As the only authorized documentary on Betty ev...
This documentary was inspired by the artistic life of Serbian actress Sonja Savić. Being a wonder ch...
Judy at the Palace. Sinatra at Carnegie Hall. Streisand at the Garden. Stritch on Broadway. Legendar...
Documentary that retraces Isabelle Adjani's life and career.
A peep behind the scenes of the golden era of Hollywood to discover exactly how and why Katharine He...