The old lighthouse keeper lives peacefully with his two daughters, who are both engaged to fisherman. One night he receives a message announcing the shipwreck...
In a cave an ancient and mysterious rite is about to be performed. Seven girls will be sacrificed to...
In the near future,the world has suffered a terrible destruction. Through the wreckage, a man tries ...
A short story of two strangers meeting in a train journey, not knowing that something stranger is co...
Soon a man will find out that his destiny is already written and that he can't do anything to change...
As the gap between a burning airplane and the ground gets smaller, one passenger has other things on...
Saved from shipwreck, a little girl is taken into the protection of the North-African tribal chief a...
In a desolate world, in a city of madness, José Ditirambo is a wolf among wolves, a fury among furie...
A group of middle-class friends driving around São Paulo choose one of the women as a bait to attrac...
A husband and father starts to dig a hole in his backyard, for no apparent reason.
When Tom travels across the country to locate the Daughter he never knew, undeniable questions of co...
The comforts of home are sacred, sweet and beloved. Mark had all of that... a beautiful wife, an ang...
The film threads together four stories, taking us into the life of a stressed-out Mohawk stockbroker...
Emmalou works as a waitress on a cruise ship filled with lonely people. She mourns the loss of her b...
It is love at first sight when Armand Duval meets the courtisan Marguerite. They move in together an...
A young man, who feels constrained living with his father takes drastic measures to liberate himself...
In Trinidad and Tobago, a six-year-old dreams of being a superhero.
Once up on a time, there was an ugly and violent monster. Because he was ugly, everybody disliked hi...
Mairy, a thirty-year-old woman from Philippines, works in a village in Cyprus. She takes care of Mr....
A haunting short version of Edgar Allan Poe's famous story about a cruel and unusual punishment infl...