This Christmas film, created as a special for television broadcast throughout the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania viewing region, was produced by puppeteer Mabel Beaton and her husband Les for Bell Telephone Company and first aired in 1953. Following a short live-action opening portion, featured are two extended marionette segments, the first dramatizing Clement Moore's "A Visit from St. Nicholas", the second reverently telling the Nativity story; the two stories are staged in classic, traditional style. From 1953 onward, for several years, The Spirit of Christmas was broadcast in the intended region multiple times per holiday season. It was also available as a 16mm film licensed to schools for showings to students. This film often is misstated to have originally been broadcast in 1950.
In the final days before Christmas, young Curtis is concerned about his status on Santa's List and, ...
Laura Carrot's Christmas stocking might be empty this year because her dad is in danger of losing hi...
The Mighty Express welcomes a new train and speeds into a snowstorm to deliver Santa’s presents and ...
A developmentally challenged young man with a penchant for caring for animals in need sets out to co...
Archival footage, animation and music are used to look back at the eight anti-war protesters who wer...
In this children's video a little girl asks a little pine tree to stay green through the winter to r...
A live action/animated commercial of a powder blush, it was made by one of the pioneers of Spanish a...
An Australian girl gets lost in the Outback, but she's befriended by a kangaroo who gives her a ride...
Once upon this Christmastime, in an enchanted town, a hyperactive little elf uses his special magic ...
The Herdmans – Gladys, Claude, Imogene, Leroy, Ollie and Ralph – are undeniably the worst kids in th...
When Gonzo forgets to mail three letters to Santa, he convinces Kermit and the gang to help him deli...
It stars Art Carney, Sandy Duncan and Glen Campbell, each playing a dual role. Art Carney plays both...
Near Christmas, Robert "Bob The Builder" McGraw Jr. and his machine team gang of talking constructio...
"Miracles really do happen at Christmas" says Uncle John to his nurse, Connie Lou. A statement that ...
Zeus, a Labrador Retriever and a former police dog, has lost his bark after his barking ended up blo...
A lonely boy wins over his distant father and strict grandmother with help from a brave velveteen ra...
Kallie thinks she's cursed by Christmas. For the past 5 years, something bad has happened every Chri...
A father, who can't keep his promises, dies in a car accident. One year later, he returns as a snowm...
A live-action and animated television special featuring clips from past episodes and spin-offs combi...