The Delano Manongs tells the story of farm labor organizer Larry Itliong and a group of Filipino farm workers who instigated one of the American farm labor movement’s finest hours – The Delano Grape Strike of 1965 that brought about the creation of the United Farm Workers Union (UFW). While the movement is known for Cesar Chavez’s leadership and considered a Chicano movement, Filipinos played a pivotal role. Filipino labor organizer, Larry Itliong, a cigar-chomping union veteran, organized a group of 1500 Filipinos to strike against the grape growers of Delano, California, beginning a collaboration between Filipinos, Chicanos and other ethnic workers that would go on for years.
OUT OF DARKNESS: THE MINE WORKERS' STORY is a documentary by Academy Award-winning director Barbara ...
In August 2012, mineworkers in one of South Africa’s biggest platinum mines began a wildcat strike f...
The struggle of a small group of blacksmiths trapped between keeping a long going strike with claims...
When workers at the Hormel meatpacking plant in Austin, Minnesota are asked to take a substantial pa...
I have been pretty satisfied with my life before I got on the bus. When I do in June 2011, my whole ...
A forgotten history of Northern Ireland is unveiled through a journey into Ulster Television’s archi...
The inside story of Polmaise Colliery and the miners who were the first to walk out and the last to ...
Kapwa, a Filipino term that means "togetherness" or "neighbor", is a recognition of a shared identit...
The Fall of the I-Hotel brings to life the battle for housing in San Francisco. The brutal eviction ...
Meet Duewand Collier Jr.-Male, 68 years old, American Citizen, a child conceived in the backdrop of ...
Portrait of a community in the heart of South Wales almost one year into the miners' strike of the 1...
Dancing in Dulias was made by members of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) and Lesbians Ag...
Emma Freese is desperate when her husband Alfred falls ill at the Howaldtswerke in Kiel. How is the ...
‘VIGO 1972’ narrates the events which took place in Vigo in September 1972, when the firing of five ...
A portrait of Santos Port, its geography, workers and the life that surrounds it, including the poor...
In 1992 – 500 years after the beginning of Spain's global empire with the discovery of America – Spa...
Lester Alfonso travels to the Philippines to find out the truth about this real grandfather...the in...
On the 5th of March 1985, a crowd gathered in a South Yorkshire pit village to watch a sight none of...
An explosion in one of the largest chemical plants in Europe, the Petrochemical complex in Tarragona...