The first of four installments in the groundbreaking Heartbeat of the World anthology film series. Comprised of several short films by some of the world's most exciting directors, Words with Gods follows the theme of religion - specifically as it relates to an individual's relationship with his/her god or gods...or the lack thereof. In Words with Gods, each director recounts a narrative centered around human fragility, as well as environmental and cultural crises involving specific religions with which each has a personal relationship; including early Aboriginal Spirituality, Umbanda, Buddhism, the Abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, and Atheism. An animated sequence by Mexican animator Maribel Martinez is woven through each of the film segments, with each segment narratively connected as a feature-length film.
A couple makes love in a hotel. She lives in Switzerland, he lives in Belgrad. What’s been destroyed...
Noni Jean is a hot new rising star. But not all is what it seems, and the pressure causes Noni to ne...
The couple Thomas and Kathrine are both writers, but she is in a violent relationship with a psychop...
In 25 AD, Judah Ben-Hur, a Jew in ancient Judea, opposes the occupying Roman empire. Falsely accuse...
A radio astronomer receives the first extraterrestrial radio signal ever picked up on Earth. As the ...
When an arranged marriage brings Ada and her spirited daughter to the wilderness of nineteenth-centu...
A dramatic history of Pu Yi, the last of the Emperors of China, from his lofty birth and brief reign...
A fatally ill mother with only two months to live creates a list of things she wants to do before sh...
Cecilie and Joachim are about to get married when a freak car accident leaves Joachim disabled, thro...
Several lonely hearts in a semi-provincial suburb of a town in Denmark use a beginner's course in It...
An isolated lake, where an old monk lives in a small floating temple. The monk has a young boy livin...
In a small and conservative Scottish village, a woman's paralytic husband convinces her to have extr...
A solitary nurse bonds with a badly burned patient who survived an accident on an oil rig.
After a one-night stand with her coach, a pressured swimming phenom finds the lives of herself and h...
A village girl travels to the Lao capital, Vientiane, to care for her rich cousin who has lost her s...
A German girl travels to Israel to help people with disabilities, where she learns a lot about the r...
France, 1940. German troops have just invaded the country, but in the rural idyll of the family chat...
While observing others, Paula is also, herself, observed. ' Know the difference between an old maid ...
A young man visits his parents in Norway with his pregnant Spanish wife. Expectations run high, but ...