Stage registration of the second comedy special by the Dutch comedian Eva Crutzen. Crutzen tells and...
All his shows have been sold out, night after night. The best of his shows has been compiled in one ...
Television registration of the third program by the Dutch comedian Marc-Marie Huijbregts. Marc-Marie...
Registration of the fifth theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo (Niels) Van der Laan & (Jeroen) Wo...
Stage registration of the comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Tiddens. 'Less...
Stage registration of a comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Tiddens. A divor...
De DVD van ‘Droog’ is dé manier om kennis te maken met de aanstekelijke humor van PhilippeGeubels of...
Comedian Wim Helsen apologizes for the violence, religious extremism and lousy economy plaguing Euro...
The Dutch cabaret artists Harrie Jekkers and Jeroen van Merwijk have performed solo for years. The t...
Maassen won two of the biggest comedy contests in the Netherlands in 1990, the Groninger Studenten C...
Teeuwens fifth stand-up show is about love. Small, large, hidden, the physical, the famous and the i...
Maassen won two of the biggest comedy contests in the Netherlands in 1990, the Groninger Studenten C...
Two lonely brothers and two failed artists.