This movie reovolves around Simon Erricson, a Grand Prix driver now turned car dealer, his wife Leon...
A documentary film investigating the 1928 murder of a Pennsylvania farmer and the allegations of wit...
This is a sequel to the film Guna-guna Istri Muda ("A Young Wife's Witchcraft"). The husband, Arifin...
Visiting Medical Researcher gets involved with a cult Priestess somewhere deep in the jungle.
On the anniversary of their grandmother's death, four cousins, as close as brothers, reconnect on a ...
A television reality crew has arrived in town to document facts about an isolated Amish sect. Filmin...
After moving from their home to an apartment building, a new terror awaits Rini’s family.
A seventy-six-minute version of Häxan, re-edited and re-released in the United States by Metro Pictu...
Salem, Massachusetts. A small town—with no clear governing body—became embroiled in a scandal that f...
Dirt-poor mountain girl Trigger Hicks is a loner. Her faith-healing is mistaken for witchcraft by th...
A country family of five take in charming cousin Julie, whose parents recently died in a car crash, ...
On the night of first harvest, three brothers in the American West set out to see a dead witch burie...
A young couple struggling with infertility seeks the aide of a healer with a promised remedy, while ...
Nineteen people were hanged and one man pressed to death, while hundreds went to jail during the "wi...
An exploration of the cinematic history of the folk horror, from its beginnings in the UK in the lat...
After leaving work one night, Los Angeles attorney Jeff Mills and his colleague rescue a young, beau...
When her power-hungry friends turn against her, a timid yet ambitious witch must fight against her o...
Horror icon Christopher Lee, who worked with Jess Franco on several occasions, plays Lord George Jef...
In a Danish village in the early 1600s, a young woman named Anne, whose mother was thought to be a w...