This satiric comedy concerns a documentary filmmaker (Ken Finkleman) who has brought a camera crew into the home of a typical couple (Robert Cait and Karen Hines) to record the drama of their daily lives. However, the filmmaker soon discovers their daily lives aren't especially interesting, and soon he finds himself deliberately throwing chaos into their path in hopes of making for a more exciting movie. Married Life: The Movie was originally produced as a weekly television series, with four episodes re-edited into this feature; the show's director and star, Ken Finkleman, later went on to create the award-winning Canadian sitcom The Newsroom.
The inept cast and crew of a surprise hit reality-TV show travel deep into the Adirondack mountains ...
A movie based on the reality show of the same name with celebrity fathers and their children.
The life of a contestant on a 'Bachelorette' style reality show is thrown into turmoil when the sudd...
Frances Ferguson is discontent. Like a lot of us, she does a bit of “acting out” and pays the price ...
Do You Like My Basement? tracks how one man's creative frustration bore a need to make the perfect h...
After Homer accidentally pollutes the town's water supply, Springfield is encased in a gigantic dome...
After five (or six) years of vanilla-wedded bliss, ordinary suburbanites John and Jane Smith are stu...
Ethan and Sophie are a married couple on the brink of separation when, at the urging of their therap...
On the way to meet with an independent artist in the South, newlywed art dealer Madeleine is convinc...
Based on a true story, Mrs. Ratcliffe's Revolution is the tale of a family from Bingley in Yorkshire...
Willi premieres his own reality show and the first guest is the famous telenovela actress, Elsy Fer...
Charles, an attorney, and Helen, his devoted wife, seem to have everything – money, a beautiful mans...
Beverly and Laurence are entertaining their new neighbours, Angela and Tony as well as Sue, whose te...
A tropical island is the setting for television's hottest new reality show, "Treasure Hunt," where 1...
Ester finds herself sexually attracted to her newly divorced friend Adele. When Ester admits another...
CASH COW takes Warhol's concept of 15 Minutes of Fame (surging from obscurity; becoming a media darl...
When the mystery-solving musician Foxxy Love notices she and her fellow housemates can curse without...
A young married couple does not share the bed. However, they try to hide all the obstacles and their...
Every second of every day, from the moment he was born, for the last thirty years, Truman Burbank ha...
A pushy, narcissistic filmmaker persuades a Phoenix family to let him and his crew film their everyd...