In the 1980s, ruthless Colombian cocaine barons invaded Miami with a brand of violence unseen in thi...
The true-life story of a Harlem's notorious Nicky Barnes, a junkie turned multimillionaire drug-lord...
A cheap, powerful drug emerges during a recession, igniting a moral panic fueled by racism. Explore...
Cocaine has always gotten a bad rap, and for a reason. It is a drug used by the rich and the poor le...
In a crime world built for men, only one woman was daring enough to pave the way for the most infamo...
Dash Snow rejected a life of privilege to make his own way as an artist on the streets of downtown N...
Andrew Thornton’s drug operation was one of the largest Kentucky and Tennessee had ever seen. Thorn...
The late Len Bias still leaves more questions than answers. When Bias dropped dead two days after th...
In 1998 Marco Pantani, the most flamboyant and popular cyclist of his era, won both the Tour de Fran...
This follow-up to the 1989 documentary ONE YEAR IN A LIFE OF CRIME revisits three of the original su...
Their job is stealing, their lives a cruel dead end. Director Jon Alpert takes his cameras undercove...
The CEO of Sinaloa takes an objective, in-depth, and original approach to the story of Joaquín "El C...
In the Mexican state of Michoacán, Dr. Jose Mireles, a small-town physician known as "El Doctor," sh...
In the 1980s, ruthless Colombian cocaine barons invaded Miami with a brand of violence unseen in thi...
Ten easy steps show you how to make money from drugs, featuring a series of interviews with drug dea...
The personal and social tragedy of drug addiction with its evil accompaniment, drug traffic. Over th...
Resorptive symptoms of intoxication after injection of cocaine in cats. Motor and vegetative arousal...
With his buddies AZ and Rich Porter, Alpo rose to become one of New York’s top drug kingpins in the ...