Set in Tokyo in 1940, the peaceful life of the Nogami Family suddenly changes when the father, Shigeru, is arrested and accused of being a Communist. His wife Kayo works frantically from morning to night to maintain the household and bring up her two daughters with the support of Shigeru's sister Hisako and Shigeru's ex-student Yamazaki, but her husband does not return. WWII breaks out and casts dark shadows on the entire country, but Kayo still tries to keep her cheerful determination, and sustain the family with her love. This is an emotional drama of a mother and an eternal message for peace.
Moon Child follows a group of childhood friends as they advance in a futuristic criminal underworld....
Before he hit it big, Takeshi Kitano got his start apprenticing with comedy legend Fukami of Asakusa...
Historical movie set during the Japanese occupation of China during WWII. Jackie Chan is one of the ...
A daughter is constantly overshadowed by her famous father, but she is determined to make her own ma...
Shinohara, a young bodybuilder, joins a para-military sect in northern Japan. His instructor, Takiz...
A member of an elite paramilitary counter-terrorism unit becomes traumatized after witnessing the su...
The classic story of English POWs in Burma forced to build a bridge to aid the war effort of their J...
Dolls takes puppeteering as its overriding motif, which relates thematically to the action provided ...
Two lost souls visiting Tokyo -- the young, neglected wife of a photographer and a washed-up movie s...
Blind traveler Zatoichi is a master swordsman and a masseur with a fondness for gambling on dice gam...
In feudal Japan, during a bloody war between clans, two cowardly and greedy peasants, soldiers of a ...
The four turtles travel back in time to the days of the legendary and deadly samurai in ancient Japa...
Students from five different countries arrive in Maruko's town. Maruko and her classmates can barely...
Hama-chan and his wife are ecstatic about their long-awaited pregnancy. Meanwhile, Su-san's nephew ...
Yuki's family is nearly wiped out before she is born due to the machinations of a band of criminals....
In a small Tokyo apartment, twelve-year-old Akira must care for his younger siblings after their mot...
In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to k...
Natsume Mochizuki works as a teen model in Tokyo, but she learns that she has to move to her father...
There were five Marines and one Navy Corpsman photographed raising the U.S. flag on Mt. Suribachi by...
A family of four are the sole inhabitants of a small island, where they struggle each day to irrigat...