In this animated adaptation of E. E. Doc Smith's groundbreaking science fiction serial "Grey Lensman" from the 1930s-1950s, Kimball Kinnison, a young man from the agricultural planet Mquie and his Valerian companion, Buscirk find a dying man with a legendary crystal lens embedded in his hand. As the man was dying, he mysteriously passed on the Lens to Kim. With more companions to come by, Kim must find out the purpose of the Lens before the Boskone dynasty does.
Travel across the galaxy with John Sheridan as he unexpectedly finds himself transported through mul...
USSR, June 1985. After contact with the Salyut 7 space station is lost, cosmonauts Vladimir Dzhanibe...
A team composed of an aerospace scientist, an ex-Air Force general, and an industrialist conceives a...
The all female crew of the transport ship Muse is on a mission in deep space. They pick up an SOS si...
Trapped in a damaged cryogenic pod, a man is forced to watch a series of horrific science-fiction ta...
The Earth is invaded by alien parasites—AKA 'slugs'—that ride on people's backs and control their mi...
Katie and her husband go to a dinner party with their new neighbors. As the night progresses, the ne...
Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born into a great destiny beyond his understanding, ...
The first interplanetary cruise ship malfunctions halfway to Jupiter, forcing most of the crew and p...
A team of American astronauts leave their space station on the first mission to Mars, but the captai...
Hiraeth is a heart-breaking film that explores one woman's grief at the edge of the solar system. Am...
Prequel to the TV anime series, revolving around the "origin of the dream."
Dave, a young photon, who is forced out of the Sun on a journey of discovery. He must get to the Cas...
Two stories, told by the VeggieTales gang, talk about why it's important to love your neighbor. "The...
A young space prince on the run from an evil space villain, stranded on Earth and waiting for his gr...
When a spaceship crashes to Earth and reveals a group of quirky little space aliens on the run for t...
The first manned expedition to Mars is invaded by an unknown life form, which stows away on the resc...
A small group of cosmic explorers, including a woman, leaves Earth to start a new civilization. They...
Juki is a celebrity at the peak of his popularity. His innocence, humourous, and courageous attitude...
Using every known means of transportation, several savants from the Geographic Society undertake a j...