In this entertaining Puppetoon animated short film, a young boy, Jasper, gets trapped inside a pawnshop at midnight. All the musical instruments come to life and play jazz. A whooping wooden Indian chief self-animates as well, and goes on the warpath.
A pair wander the streets of Warsaw, meeting famous Polish musicians.
Saxophone player Charlie ‘Bird’ Parker comes to New York in 1940 and is quickly noticed for his rema...
'Everybody Goes to the Hospital' is an animated exploration of a true physical, psychological, and f...
Considered for an Academy Award nomination for Best Short Film (Animated).
A struggling band find themselves attached to a fugitive and drawn into a series of old feuds and lo...
In this rotoscope animation, Tom Waits sings about "The One That Got Away."
Musical performers put on a show in a pawn shop to convince a man to give them the money they need t...
County Durham, England, 1984. The miners' strike has started and the police have started coming up f...
The daughter of jazz pianist Joe Albany witnesses her beloved father's struggle -- and failure -- to...
On stage before a show, a trumpet player dives back into his memories of a sinking during which he w...
Louis, young Toulousain of 7 and fan of rugby, finds himself suddenly invaded by a newcomer. And tru...
In the Swedish city of Lethe, people from different walks of life take part in a series of short, de...
The documentary film on the life and legacy of Rahsaan Roland Kirk – a one of a kind musician, perso...
In the 1930s, jazz guitarist Emmet Ray idolizes Django Reinhardt, faces gangsters and falls in love ...
Pocahontas, daughter of a Native American tribe chief, falls in love with an English soldier as colo...