The bizarre story of Elliot "White Lightning" Scott, who plans on becoming Canada's first action hero with his low-budget karate epic, Blood Fight. This surreal documentary captures two years in the lives of a passionate amateur filmmaker, his supportive partner Linda Lum, and their cast and crew of outrageous dreamers - all striving to achieve success.
A documentary about aliens and UFOs with re-enactments of alien interviews and video of a supposedly...
A woman attends a party where she is observed by and finally meets a mysterious guest.
A French documentary or, one might say more accurately, a mockumentary, by director William Karel wh...
The true history of a collection of some 500 films dating from 1910s to 1920s, which were lost for o...
A love letter from a young mother to her daughter, the film tells the story of Waad al-Kateab’s life...
In April 2013, a fishing vessel was attacked off the coast of South Africa, killing all on board. A ...
Using visual assemblage as a technique to delve into the artist's own formation of personal narrativ...
An alien narrates the story of his dying planet, his and his people's visitations to Earth and Earth...
A collection of death scenes, ranging from TV-material to home-made super-8 movies. The common facto...
A work inspired by the uncanny juxtaposition of the political murder of America’s 25th President dur...
A retrospective documentary about the groundbreaking horror series, Friday the 13th, featuring inter...
Twenty Show was the first "user generated film", edited from fictional and real video-blogs. A uniqu...
The six-decade transformation of a block of houses, shown by means of artfully featured archival sho...
In this 5th installment of "The Blackwell Ghost" series, the ghost hunting filmmaker returns to the ...
Desperate, broken men chase their dreams and run from their demons in the North Dakota oil fields. A...
A viral video shows a mysterious figure walking along the edge of the woods each day, and filmmaker ...
Directed by Richie Mehta, executive produced by Ridley Scott and powered by Google, India in a Day i...