Oscar nominated animated short film from Czechoslovakia, 1960. Two characters fight over their claim...
Sergeant Jeong Cheol-min's squad are in a renovated stock room with no window. The squad members are...
Based on Eugene Ionesco’s play, this is an animated film warning that by conforming to patterns and ...
A neighborhood bully convinces Porky to take a puff from his cigar, causing Porky to hallucinate a s...
A live action black-and-white prolog tells the story of how Walt Disney came to Hollywood with $300,...
Len Lye scraped together enough funding and borrowed equipment to produce a two-minute short featuri...
Elephants Dream is the story of two strange characters exploring a capricious and seemingly infinite...
Mad God is a fully practical stop-motion film set in a Miltonesque world of monsters, mad scientists...
A scarce and seldom seen cartoon from 1937 with excellent hot jazz and containing caricatures of Cab...
A cut-out of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev sails over newspaper articles as they take place. Combi...
One of the most exciting and memorable stories in the history of the World Trade Towers is that of P...
The Farmer is abducted by a capering Jungle Goddess. As pre-Code as a Terrytoon ever got. Most anima...
Follow a day of the life of Big Buck Bunny when he meets three bullying rodents: Frank, Rinky, and G...
A deliciously scary story about a boy who outsmarts an old witch-woman before she can have him and h...
The boozy mercenary of the title, based on the actual historical figure of Naoyuki Ban (1567-1615), ...
Wallace Carlson walks viewers through the production of an animated short at Bray Studios.
Flint must quickly alter his plans for a romantic date with Sam after his monkey-cleaning invention ...