An animated short film about a man struggling against the storm. Suddenly he discovers that not everybody is affected by the wind...
In this surreal odyssey, a young boy walks through a series of doors opening up visions of the past ...
An unlikely friendship forms between a Hatchling and a worm she adopts.
Medieval times. A jester is heading to the castle, but can't help running into a fruit tree in his p...
A funny story about a smart little pig who played checkers very well. He beat the donkey and the hor...
Sylvester Cat intrudes on Speedy Gonzales' Cinco De Mayo celebration, starting a chase that ends in ...
A friend of KoKo's animator draws a haunted house, and KoKo and his dog Fitz go inside. There, they ...
A guy is singing in the bathroom, his next door neighbor starts to complain, setting a chain of even...
Mister De Vries (93) sits at his window awaiting his death. Until one cold winter day he is surprise...
Led by the words of an old man, we will witness the extraordinary event that changed the life of a v...
Porky, a talent scout for "Goode and Korney Talent Agency," auditions various acts. A final gag has ...
A Charles Bukowski poem is put to animation. Four kids who are friends are drawn to a strange house ...
Hordes of green caterpillars dream of delicious and sweet apples. They have already prepared their t...
On the lookout for polar bears in the Arctic, a wildlife photographer realizes she may have missed m...
Etienne-Jules Marey, a French inventor who turned a gun into a camera. A hand-drawn hunter whose wea...
Animation for adults, consisting of three short stories: "The Most Beautiful" - about the female bea...
An animated sex education video for children based on the best-selling book of the same title. It te...
An animated film drawn entirely in pastels. Various fantastical plant-like things "grow" from the gr...