Based on the infamous "Concrete-encased high school girl murder case" that took place from November 1988 to January 1989 in Japan. Junko Furuta, a female 17 year old high school student, was kidnapped and confined in a house by four other male high school students (all juvenile) in the Ayase district of Adachi-ku, Tokyo, where she was repeatedly raped, sexually humiliated and tortured in an extremely brutish manner for 41 days before she finally died after a particularly severe beating. The boys hid her body in a drum and filled it with concrete, but the body was nonetheless discovered a few months later.
Two women, Tokiko, a ceramic artist, and her apprentice, Haruka, are in a relationship. The couple i...
From a window of a mansion overlooking the sea a woman, her master and a dominatrix hungrily eye a l...
A doctor develops a new scientific breakthrough in female psychotherapy with the discovery of the “D...
The story of a noble femme fatale in 1941 in Japan.
Three college students set out to document what other people dread the most. However, one of the thr...
Working-class waitress Slim thought she was entering a life of domestic bliss when she married Mitch...
A gay version of the "Widow's Boarding House" series, starring Shinji Kubo as the owner of the board...
Masamitsu Ichimori presides over a haiku doujinshi association, but behind the scenes he is actually...
Pinku film from 1967.
A serial killer is stalking his 13th victim (Scarlett). She will be bound, cut, burned, whipped, rap...
As a newspaper reporter listens to the confession of a wife who murdered her husband, the film shock...
A magazine reporter is told to investigate the murder of a young man with ties to the gay S&M scene.
An idyllic small town is rocked when Aubrey Fleming, a bright and promising young woman, is abducted...
A horror story about keeping in touch with your high school friends.
Mill Valley, Pennsylvania, Halloween night, 1968. After playing a joke on a school bully, Stella and...
As sadomasochistic yakuza enforcer Kakihara searches for his missing boss he comes across Ichi, a re...
A wife gets a call from a man claiming to be from her husband's company. He tells her that he will c...
Japanese nunsploitation movie from 1981.
Yuko (Masumi Jun) is the number one, top-grossing prostitute operating at Paradise Bath House. She's...