While trapped on the island of Madagascar, the Central Park Zoo escapees receive a visit from Santa-...
"All sounds travel in waves much the same as ripples in water." Educational film produced by Bray St...
Dr. Cockroach comes up with a brilliant plan to break themselves out of Area 52 – but to implement t...
When the clock strikes twelve in a toy store a bunch of paint tubes come to life.
The Farmer is abducted by a capering Jungle Goddess. As pre-Code as a Terrytoon ever got. Most anima...
Flint must quickly alter his plans for a romantic date with Sam after his monkey-cleaning invention ...
Flint's mischievous gummy bear grows to 50-feet by using his new food-modifying invention.
The Foodimals join Earl's scouting program but are very competitive.
A deliciously scary story about a boy who outsmarts an old witch-woman before she can have him and h...
The boozy mercenary of the title, based on the actual historical figure of Naoyuki Ban (1567-1615), ...
Wallace Carlson walks viewers through the production of an animated short at Bray Studios.
Len Lye scraped together enough funding and borrowed equipment to produce a two-minute short featuri...
Bambi is nibbling the grass, unaware of the upcoming encounter with Godzilla. Who will win when they...
Mad God is a fully practical stop-motion film set in a Miltonesque world of monsters, mad scientists...
The youngest witch is preparing for the magical exam.
Animation film about boy Ivashka's adventures in the country of fairy tales.
Elephants Dream is the story of two strange characters exploring a capricious and seemingly infinite...
Follow a day of the life of Big Buck Bunny when he meets three bullying rodents: Frank, Rinky, and G...