The two-hour sketch comedy show-meets-concert film builds upon and punctuates the multimedia format of the band's live performances with skits from the stable of Puscifer characters such as Billy D, Hildy and Major Douche woven into the performance footage of the Maynard James Keenan led quintet."Being surrounded by so many talented and creative people is an endless source of inspiration. This film only scratches the surface of how deep our proverbial rabbit hole goes. What Is Puscifer is meant to conjure as many questions as it answers," explained Maynard James Keenan.Puscifer's concerts have been praised for their out-of-the-box take on what a live performance can be, with the Orange County Register saying "the production matters as much as the music" and describing the event as "a thought-provoking, senses-jabbing statement on a variety of topics."
This concert was recorded live in Tokyo International Forum Hall A - Tokyo, Japan in 2007. All songs...
Capturing John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr in their electrifying element...
The Killers live performance at Rock in Rio in Lisbon, Portugal on July 18, 2002. Songs include Some...
Matt, a young glaciologist, soars across the vast, silent, icebound immensities of the South Pole as...
A chronicle of country music legend Johnny Cash's life, from his early days on an Arkansas cotton fa...
In this wildly entertaining vision of one of the twentieth century’s greatest artists, Bob Dylan is ...
Recorded doing the Summer Breeze Open Air Festival 2017 on the 17th. of August in Dinkelsbühl, Bavar...
Three vampires who share an apartment are interviewed by a TV crew.
A mockumentary profile of master Japanese watchmaker Takumi Oshiro, who is on the verge of completin...
2013 live release from the iconic German rockers. On September 11 and 12, 2013, the Scorpions played...
"Persona Super Live 2015" event held at Nippon Budokan in February 2015.
A love letter to 70s glam rock told through the eyes of Jimmy and Penny, two children who grew up in...
A whirlwind of improvisation combines the images of animator Pierre Hébert with the avant-garde soun...
The next great psycho horror slasher has given a documentary crew exclusive access to his life as he...
Fictional documentary about the life of human chameleon Leonard Zelig, a man who becomes a celebrity...
"This Is Spinal Tap" shines a light on the self-contained universe of a metal band struggling to get...
Live recording from Steve Hackett's critically acclaimed 2019 UK tour. The concert was recorded at ...
01. Beginnings 02. See See Baby 03. Some Other Day, Some Other Time 04. Lonesome Whistle Blues 0...