Two short films released together under a collective title. The first, "Secret Sharer", directed by John Brahm and starring James Mason, is based on a short story by Joseph Conrad. The second tale, "Bride Comes to Yellow Sky", directed by Bretaigne Windust and starring Robert Preston, is adapted from Stephen Crane's short story.
Marshall Jed Cooper survives a hanging, vowing revenge on the lynch mob that left him dangling. To c...
John Moore, a young sea captain has a romance with Kay Wheeler, daughter of a trusted trader, "Pop" ...
A mad captain poses as a cleric to murder people aboard a fogbound ship.
While passing through the town of Bannock, a bunch of drunken cattlemen go overboard with their cele...
As the Second World War breaks out, German freighter captain Karl Ehrlich is about to leave Sydney, ...
Retired wealthy sea captain Jim McKay arrives in the Old West, where he becomes embroiled in a feud ...
Sexual passion breeds violence in the Thomas Middleton and William Rowley written tale of a beautifu...
On her first night as a dockside dancer, Mary Foster loses her job when she tries to fend of the adv...
Shipwrecked fugitives try to escape a brutal sea captain who's losing his mind.
Tugboat, the Narcissus, is owned and captained by Annie Brennan, and among her crew are her alcoholi...
A Texas Ranger tries to bring down counterfeiters selling fake lottery tickets.
It all begins with the discreet romance between the Creole maid Lea Mariotte and her young boss, Geo...
A crooked lawyer trying to cheat a young girl out of her inheritance tries to convince a sea captain...
A cruel sea captain (Charles Middleton) oversees a rough crew.
A sea captain stands trial for manslaughter after 162 people are killed in a fire aboard his cruise ...
The thorny relationship between a woman and her retired father worsens after he becomes romantically...
Ahti Ikonen is a reliable captain at the height of his career. He is in command of the 35,000-ton co...
Landing at a Chinese port, tough sea captain Bucklin and his passengers are threatened by a maraudin...
Action-filled drama about a ship captain, ashamed of his background in the slave trade, forced again...