Smart as a Fox is a 1946 short documentary film supervised by Gordon Hollingshead. In this short film, a fox cub experiences life in the forest. It was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short, One-Reel.
Jack wants to know if Ollie “like likes” him. But Ollie is meditating. So, he asks a bird instead.
Trees talk, know family ties and care for their young? Is this too fantastic to be true? German fore...
This film, three years in the making, The remote forests of Kalkalpen National Park in Austria, the ...
The two NZ survivors of the deadly White Island eruption tell their remarkable story of survival.
An exploration of technologically developing nations and the effect the transition to Western-style ...
Thrown together under incredible circumstances, two strangers must discover courage and strength whe...
In this fascinating program, learn about one of the most feared and respected members of the animal ...
Golden Swallow is a fighter-for-hire who has been contracted by the local government to retrieve the...
As the most dammed, dibbed, and diverted river in the world struggles to support thirty million peop...
Somewhere between the mountains and valleys a small autumn flower bloomed.
In the early 1900s commercial loggers cut down an old growth spruce tree growing on a small island s...
"The acid soil of New England, its wide stretches of hardwoods, its numerous sugar maples, its rolli...
A short film featuring a coastal forest and the rocky coastline of downeast Maine.