A new evil organization known as Space Shocker, which are led by the magic-using Space Ikadevil and Space Spider Man, threatens the Earth by causing an unknown phenomenon. The Space Sheriffs Gavan type-G and Sharivan are sent to execute all magic-users on Earth in response to the threat and begins to attack Kamen Riders Wizard and Beast. The Space Crime Syndicate Madou, who were once defeated by the original Sharivan return, to cause even more havoc in the world. During this, Yoko finds a mysterious little robot called Psycholon, which Space Shocker and the Madou are after for unknown reasons.
Gentaro (Kamen Rider Fourze) aims to become friends with Kamen Rider Amazon in hopes of obtaining th...
Originally a comic aimed at black South Africans, Mighty Man was later made into a movie, released i...
When dosed with cosmic rays, four intrepid astronauts are given incredible powers. They decide to fo...
15 years ago, the Super Task Force Six were shut down in secret by The evil Emperor Zagel. Since the...
The crime fighting team of Ace X and Kid Velvet, who disguise their superhero identities as members ...
A group of archaeologists open a tomb that awakens horrible monsters, while journeyman Yusuke Godai ...
On January 2nd, Yusuke Godai prepares the Pole Pole cafe for opening, reflecting on the events of th...
After losing a powerful orb, Kara, Superman's cousin, comes to Earth to retrieve it and instead find...
Heroic masked ninja Akakage (Red Shadow) and his two companions fight evil warlords in feudal Japan ...
Elektra the warrior survives a near-death experience, becomes an assassin-for-hire, and tries to pro...
Four young men who belong to a supernatural legacy are forced to battle a fifth power long thought t...
When a mysterious electro-wave human runs rampant through the city, the various women of the Kamen R...
An action comedy about the activities of the cosplay warrior Cutie Knight, a duo of high school girl...
A sequel that continues to follow Cutie Knight's fight against the secret society, Teikokuya.
A mysterious man called Es/Kamen Rider Eden has emerged, committing simultaneous acts of terror acro...
Yusuke Godai awakens from a nap at the Pore Pore Tea Cafe and finds a scrapbook with newspaper clipp...
The film consists of re-edited material from the original television series Ultraman. Episodes 1, 8,...
Alex Corvis, a man wrongly executed for the murder of his girlfriend, returns from the dead and sets...
Tsui escapes from a super soldier project and plans to lead a peaceful life. However, when his forme...
A man blinded in a childhood accident fights crime using his superhumanly-elevated remaining senses.