Synopsis: A rabbit couple tries to survive in a dying forest...
The Fantastic Mr. Fox, bored with his current life, plans a heist against the three local farmers. T...
An Irish Catholic family returns to 1930s Limerick after a child's death in America. The unemployed ...
A young woman’s charming but overbearing father helps her move out of her wealthy older boyfriend’s ...
Having just arrived in paradise, Jerome sets out to find his wife Maryline. In the course of his sea...
Everyday, Alexander’s reflection goes the extra mile to imitate his owner without being spotted. But...
Gunnar is living a routine life by himself at a lighthouse. One day a mermaid comes in with the tide...
Laid-off old mannequins spend their cracked and broken lives in an old, abandoned warehouse. New man...
In a desolate future, one small town has survived because of a large windmill dam that acts as a fan...
In this animation, artificial intelligence is used to transform a dancer into a crow. The result is ...
After a dragon destroys young Georgia's home, she journeys to its lair to enact violent revenge but ...
The imagined perpetrator in a famously unsolved true-crime case, “Who Put Bella Down the Wych Elm”, ...
Two brothers define themselves as vigilantes and try to protect their property.
The bond between a disabled Muslim father and his son is tested when love is pitted against religion...
A Bosko-cloned samurai battles traditional monsters and demons.
Wallace Carlson walks viewers through the production of an animated short at Bray Studios.
A jungle land radio station run by monkeys pulls a prank by reporting an invasion from space is occu...
WARNING This cartoon features ignorant racial stereotypes and is NOT meant for children or the sensi...
Unique; one of the only Japanese cartoons that fully employs the physics of US animation (squash &am...
Flint must quickly alter his plans for a romantic date with Sam after his monkey-cleaning invention ...