Louis-José Houde presents Le show caché 2, the second version of a unique show concept where the com...
Dieudonné returns over his 10 years of solo career... In an original direction(fabrication), he rev...
Find all the joy of living of Patrick Bosso in his second show.
I regularly wonder if the child that I was would be proud of the adult that I have become. If he wou...
Actor Robert Vaughn takes on writer Dore Schary's acclaimed one-man play, "Sunrise at Campobello," b...
After an acclaimed, extended run on Broadway, comedian Alex Edelman brings his solo show to HBO in a...
George Carlin hits the boards with the former Hippie-Dippie Weatherman's take on Brooklynese pronunc...
Louis-José takes a stand: yes, he admits, he describes himself as slow, going against the grain of h...
They try everything in order to rekindle the flame and to spice up their love life. They really try ...
With his off-kilter sense of humor, polyglot Gaspard Proust takes a mischievous delight in undermini...