Known for his mournful "Adagio for Strings," Samuel Barber was never quite fashionable. This acclaim...
On 18th of December 2017, the Filarmonica Teatro Regio Torino, directed by Timothy Brock, presented ...
Arthur Rubinstein performs Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 16, Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2 ...
Recorded in July 2001, this meeting of musical minds saw virtuoso guitarist Yngwie Malmsteem team up...
Classics on a Summer's Evening is an outdoor concert for an enormous audience which was staged in an...
Kyung-Wha Chung performs Beethoven's violin concerto in this live recording with the Royal Concertge...
On May 5th, 2019, Alan Parson played a concert at TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht, The Netherlands and t...
Filmed over the course of four years, Grabsky and his Seventh Art team followed leading concert pian...
He dazzled America for decades with his musical artistry. Now fans as well as those curious about th...
In Vienna's Musikverein, Leonard Bernstein and the Vienna Philharmonic celebrates Ludwig Van Beethov...
Video extracted from the TV show "Tim Maia in Concert", performed at the Hotel Nacional in Rio de Ja...