The documentary tells the story of the reunification from the perspective of six teenagers from East...
Volker Koepp documents life in the Dorotheenstadt in Berlin-Mitte, which was called "Feuerland" in t...
The former athlete Barbara follows her husband to the province and attempts to masters her new life,...
At the end of the 1950s, the production of optics in the German Democratic Republic has reached top ...
High-school senior Peter considers the adults around him to be hypocritical, self-congratulatory, an...
The electrician Peter Drews is a brigadier at a Baltic Sea dockyard. His men are among the most reli...
15-year old Klaus Kambor, called Kurbel, is living in a village in Lusatia and already thinks of him...
World War II is over and Heinrich, a young German boy, influenced by the Russians, starts to act acc...
Kasper Mai, an export merchant and comrade with a “clean” record, discovers he is the prince of Hohe...
The brothers Theo and Gustav Benthin pull profits through smuggling in divided Germany: Theo in the ...
When a motorcyclist dies in an accident, lieutenant Kreutzer and his colleague Arnold receive the or...
A little boy tries to keep a huge Newfoundland dog in his family's apartment.