The story of an apparitious extraterrestrial and a vertically mobile prepubescent. "Dimension Loop" is an original animation by Koji Morimoto. This work displays visuals with a speed unlike any other piece directed by Morimoto. Unfolding visual images together with the gentle and in some ways nostalgia-evoking singing voice of Kicell, compel you to slip into the feeling of floating lightly on air. The refined sense of taste of the world of visual images is produced in a monotone. The characters transcend dimensions and link to each other…where do they finally end up?
Doremi, her friends, and her family are visiting Doremi's Grandparents. Aiko fears Doremi's grandfat...
Guillaume kills Horacio "because he was shouting too loud." At his trial, the vacuity of the motive ...
Mater the tow truck travels from country to country as he retells his infamous but unbelievable stor...
"Mind the Gap!" says the voice on the subway. Vilhelmina thinks so much about the gap that she doesn...
It’s a Date is a culmination of his preoccupations, a weird but humanistic look at a couple on a fir...
Bombing case at Nichiuri TV in autumn. The Satsuki Cup, which crowns the winner of Japan's Hyakunin ...
Moto Perpetuo shows an absurd picture of our neverending changing culture and history.
The first animated short film to feature Varga's clumsy claymation character Augusta.
Everyone knows that the stork delivers babies, but where do the storks get the babies from? The answ...
Centers on a boy named Osamu who receives an umbrella as a gift from Sayu, but it goes missing. That...
Beyond the human realm, there is a magical race of beings who control the tides and the changing of ...
The "Academy Island Incident" in which four "kings" cross paths... Since then, Silver Clansmen Kuroh...
The first movie in a trilogy, focusing on the battle against the Takahashi brothers. High school stu...
Welcome to the circus arena, where all the characters are made of white paper.
A tale about how a hippopotamus caught the sun and decided to share it with other animals.