This romantic drama by Michelangelo Antonioni follows the love life of Vittoria, a beautiful literary translator living in Rome. After splitting from her writer boyfriend, Riccardo, Vittoria meets Piero, a lively stockbroker, on the hectic floor of the Roman stock exchange. Though Vittoria and Piero begin a relationship, it is not one without difficulties, and their commitment to one another is tested during an eclipse.
Two men, why vastly different life stories and personalities, embark on a Hearse heading south of Fr...
Julien Bouin, a former typographist, and his wife Clemence, who used to perform in a circus, hardly ...
Whether for neurotypical or autistic people, love doesn't have a unique way of expressing itself. Th...
Eva is beautiful, irresponsible, self-absorbed and emotionally disconnected. Her life is all about t...
After his mistress runs over a black teen, a Wall Street hotshot sees his life unravel in the spotli...
Two people in love, two apartments - one in Barcelona and another in Los Angeles - and the images of...
A man begins to suspect that his long-distance girlfriend, whom he met online but has never met in p...
Denny, a free spirit and artist falls for Ryan, a straight laced lawyer. When Denny questions gender...
The portrait of two young women – a loving team that complements each other with all their habits an...
A story about bunch of people who live in a town in provincial France. At the center of it all is Pi...
'Chance' is a black comedy about how hard it is to find "the one". Mostly told from the point-of-vie...
Andie is an outcast, hanging out either with her older boss, who owns the record store where she wor...
Margaret has given up her stage career to marry inventor Jerry Benson. Jerry fails to impress oil ex...
Comedy drama about a family reunion written by and starring Richard Herring. It's Ken and Margaret S...
Kurt and Lydia are planning a relaxed vacation at the Gripsholm castle in Sweden . What Lydia does n...
Ryan and Jennifer are opposites who definitely do not attract. At least that's what they always beli...
Amos, delving into his past, embarks on a journey to relive the conversations he shared with his lat...