The tale takes place around 1650, after the death of the third Tokugawa shogun, when ronin were expelled from Edo, the military capital. During the political instability following the death of Iemitsu Tokugawa, Hanzo's Iga ninja clan battles against the Koga clan as various factions vie to seize power. The child shogun Ietsuna is kidnapped but turns out to be hidden under (or over) everyone's noses in a castle turret which is reinforced by a comic book villain, the fire-spitting black ninja. The good ninja has to get through all the traps & save the child.
After a tragic accident Luke Gibson is left with critical injuries and complete amnesia. A new techn...
A wave of terror is threatening to unseat Shogun Yoshimune. Police stations are erupting into flames...
The world is still reeling from the assassination of JFK - but has yet to lose his kid brother Bobby...
Follow the infamous ninja bandit named Ishikawa Goemon (Yosuke Eguchi) in an epic story. One night w...
The two American Ninjas, Joe Armstrong and Sean Davidson, team up to do battle against a terrorist a...
After Seonjo passes away, Prince Gwanghae ascends to the throne. But he indulges himself in dissolut...
A historical drama about the life of Prince Yeonsan of Joseon,.
A series of unexplainable accidents befall the people and companies responsible for developing the w...
Queen Yun reigned with King Sunjong since she was just 13 years old. She hid the royal seals needed ...
A westerner named Casey, studying Ninjutsu in Japan, is asked by the Sensei to return to New York to...
American crime reporter John Jones is reassigned to Europe as a foreign correspondent to cover the i...
On a remote Caribbean island, Army Ranger Joe Armstrong saves an old friend from the clutches of "Th...
Jackson is back, and now he has a new partner, karate champion Sean, as they must face a deadly terr...
When a scientists daughter is kidnapped, American Ninja, attempts to find her, but this time he team...
King Sukjong assigns Jang Ok-nan, a court lady, as a concubine overnight. Jang plots to drive the cu...
King Sukjong exalts a greedy concubine to the status of Bin, which is next to that of the Queen. The...
Admiral Lee Sun-shin designs and builds the 'Turtle Ships' in preparation of the Japanese invasion d...
Floating Vessel (源氏物語 浮舟 , Ukifune) is a 1957 color Japanese film directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa. Dr...
During the Turkish artistic revolution of the 1930s, a group of pioneers staged Özsoy Opera, the fir...
Scott James, a veteran martial arts expert, is recruited as the protector of the wealthy and beautif...