The protagonists of the film are the Zainichi Korean women living in Kawasaki. They were tossed abou...
Kintaro Walks Japan is a documentary film produced and directed by Tyler MacNiven. It is an account ...
In this Traveltalk short, the symbolic role of cherry blossoms in Japanese culture is explored as we...
In the 1980s, Michelangelo Antonioni traveled with his partner, actress and filmmaker Enrica Fico An...
Akina Nakamori's second video work "Hajimemashite" consists of 12 songs (including three singles "Sl...
Based on one of the Esperanza's voyages to the Arctic, this short documentary chronicles life aboard...
NEW AKINA Étranger Akina Nakamori in Europe is the first video release released by Nakamori Akina. ...
Welcome to The Great Happiness Space: Rakkyo Café. The club's owner, Issei (22), has a staff of twen...
Takeshi Kitano is an international icon. We know the actor, the multi-award-winning filmmaker, but m...
Launched in 2011 as a sister group to girl band behemoth AKB48, the Osaka-based NMB48 has become a m...
Is there a connection between animal sounds and the music that humans create? Using a surprising and...
The Cove tells the amazing true story of how an elite team of individuals, films makers and free div...
A renowned old hotel near Nagoya Station has been in the red for four consecutive fiscal terms. When...
Join Phil Morrison and James Robinson from Driftworks, Mitto Steele from MeiNoMai and Pieter Gouwy f...
In the mid 19th century, Yankee whalers taught the sailors on the tiny island of Bequia in the West ...
Hidden in the wooded mountains on the west coast of Japan lies the small Zen monastery Antaiji. A yo...