In stop-motion animation, a wardrobe moves through the countryside. It arrives in a house, a child's voice recites Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky," and various objects, such as toys and dolls, move about, disintegrate, and play out archetypal scenes. Like Carroll's verse, the images are at once familiar and unfamiliar. A child's play suit, hanging in the wardrobe, becomes the adventure's protagonist.
When a recently divorced man loses custody of his daughter, he finds comfort in a children’s book ch...
This short celebrating 75 years of Batman from artist Darwyn Cooke returns fans to the world of Batm...
To kill time during a weekend, Makina the cyborg and Chiharu the super human decide to go for a driv...
In a dystopian world, a girl breaks her ceramic pot, which holds a secret within. The breaking of th...
In a world where normalities are long forgotten, evolution has given birth to a new contender in the...
Meeper and the ChubbChubbs go to the North Pole; when Santa Claus is injured and can't deliver his p...
A woman returning home falls asleep and has vivid dreams that may or may not be happening in reality...
Feeling lost in his day-to-day existence, Red has trouble making a decision that could potentially c...
This is the first Oswald cartoon to be directed by Walter Lantz who would later produce the Oswald s...
A pupil turns up to his new class for the first time. However, this pupil is different to the others...
Everyone knows that the stork delivers babies, but where do the storks get the babies from? The answ...
On the edge of a mangrove, a group of girls live to the rhythm of the climate and the wild geese aro...
The second essay about still dominant dark aspects of our modern society. It is conceived as a surre...
In a lush and lively forest lives a hedgehog. He is at once admired, respected and envied by the oth...
Having crept into a tent, a young girl steps out of it grown and strangely dressed as a bunny rabbit...
A natural history fantasy film, following the dramatic lifecycle of the wild salmon in human form, w...
In Bogota, a bird-girl leaves behind the family home, her domineering mother and faithful dog to go ...
The film is devoted to the theme of careful attitude to the nature. It tells us how one of butterfli...