Set against the backdrop of 'the beautiful game', Black and White Stripes tells the epic story of It...
Exclusive two-disc film documenting the British and Irish Lions tour to South Africa in the summer o...
Soldiers representing South Africa and New Zealand billeted in London get stuck in during a rugby fi...
Examining the brutal murder of 21-year-old student Meredith Kercher in 2007.
The story of the first black South African rugby captain who against all odds led the South African ...
House of the Wickedest Man in the World is the story of a ruined building near the city of Cefalú in...
In the late-80s and early-90s, two prosecutors went after the mob in Sicily. Archival footage, grues...
Eighteen year old Irma Testa is Italy’s first female boxer to make it to the Olympics. It’s a remark...
The memory of Piero Portaluppi, a Milanese architect who reached the peak of his fame during the 20 ...
Mali - Algeria - Libya - Italy. Issa’s escape from West Africa to the European mainland lasted ten y...
This gripping, atmospheric documentary recounts the infamous trial, conviction and eventual acquitta...
In the absence of any physical connection, this short explores alternative forms of contact among ne...
Directed by British-Nigerian professional rugby player Beno Obano, this candid and personal document...
A journey through the golden age of Spanish rugby, from the late eighties to the early nineties: the...
Johan van der Keuken went against the grain in 1980: from Amsterdam (on April 30 with the coronation...
Umberto Eco, the author of best-selling novels who passed away in February 2016, unveils the secrets...
Sport and politics most definitely do mix in this gripping look back at a brutal and turbulent time ...