Based on a Japanese manga, Kanna-San, Daiseikou Desu, this story revolves around Kang Han-na, an overweight phone sex employee and secret vocalist for Ammy, a famous Korean pop singer who actually lip syncs as she cannot sing. After getting humilitated publicly by an ungrateful Ammy, Han-na undergoes an extreme makeover to become a pop sensation herself.
Fans forever love Will Smith who are reassured they will always be entertained. Follow the journey o...
15-year-old Beni falls in love with Fögi, a singer in a Rock band. As Fögi seduces him, he is only w...
The Little Fellow finds the girl of his dreams and work on a family farm. He helps defend the farm a...
Set in modern upper-crust Manhattan, an exploration of love and commitment as seen through the eyes ...
In the late 1960s, an aging Dion DiMucci, struggling to stay relevant in a rapidly changing America,...
Mick's father, Barry, sells the family piano, causing Mick's mother, Irene to leave. In order to rai...
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright ...
It has been a year since Tod's death, yet Pla Thong still cannot move on.
A lonely photographer's obsession with an enigmatic, beautiful classmate takes a dark turn.
The story of Robert Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan, who became fast friends during their youth in German...
Kristina and Sture is married and has a little baby boy, Olle. Sture is an architect and while he is...
A middle-aged man is laid off from work but is too proud to tell his family. His children, however, ...
Chun-hyang, the only daughter of an old gisaeng named Wolmae, falls in love with Lee Mong-nyong and ...
Story of five friends Raja (Deepak Raj Giri), Saraswoti (Jeetu Nepal), Magne (Kedar Ghimire) and Bud...
Atle Antonsen is one of Norway's most awarded comedians. This 5 hour double-DVD contains highlights ...
Due to many reasons, ranging from insecurity to trauma, a group of people have gained a lot of weigh...
In the remote Southern Cross Island, a secret organization named The Glittering Crux plans to reacti...
Two girls named Nana meet on a train to Tokyo. Nana K. aims to reunite with her boyfriend and Nana O...
Kotori Haneda is a university student interning at a publishing house. While doing her internship, s...