This rock opera tells the story of one year in the life of a group of bohemians struggling in late 1980s East Village, New York, USA. The film centers around Mark and Roger, two roommates. While a tragedy has made Roger numb to new experiences, Mark begins capturing their world through his attempts to make a personal movie. In the year that follows, they and their friends deal with love, loss, and working together.
John, a first-time filmmaker, finds himself in Lansing, Michigan to present his film at a local film...
A young Italian actress embarks on a self-destructive spree of sex, drugs and other excess while doi...
Cowboys Beauregard Decker and Virgil Blessing attend a rodeo in Phoenix, where Decker falls in love ...
When billionaire Jean-Marc Clement learns that he is to be satirized in an off-Broadway revue, he pa...
A psychiatrist tells two stories: one of a trans woman, the other of a pseudohermaphrodite.
Meet Spot, a clever little dog with big dreams of becoming a real boy. When Spot finds out that a cr...
Conceited singer Garry Mitchell refuses to renew his radio contract, so agent Doug Blake decides to ...
Frank Flynn is summonsed from New York by his brother Charlie to Vanuatu. He arrives only to find Ch...
Conservative middle-aged fisherman Singaram cares for his orphaned niece and nephew who he loves dee...
Two first-year students at Oxford University join a secret society and learn that their reputations ...
Arnaud, facing an uncertain future and a dearth of choices in a small French coastal town, meets and...
Set in modern upper-crust Manhattan, an exploration of love and commitment as seen through the eyes ...
Lukas is Sugar, Clemens is Orange. Together, they are two ten-year-old boys who are inseparable. Mor...
The Davenport sisters have drifted apart over the years but when their Dad wins the lottery all he w...
YEARS OF PILGRIMAGE: Franz Liszt was a virtuoso pianist that took early nineteenth-century Europe by...
Nelson and Angelo, a gay couple, decide to come out to their parents. However, when they do so, thei...
A lesbian with commitment issues befriends a widowed mother who is visiting her workaholic daughter.