Water Birds is a 1952 short documentary film directed by Ben Sharpsteen. The film delves into the still waters of lagoons and marshes to the wild blue wilderness of the vast oceans, to experience the beauty and variety of their majestic birds, each perfectly designed for its habitat. It won the Oscar for Best Short Subject, Two-Reel.
Forever confined to an isolated cottage, Ethan's only companion is his Father, who describes in grea...
After one of the hottest years on record, Sir David Attenborough looks at the science of climate cha...
At 22, Alain is already a living legend in Marseille. Of all the young divers who jump from the Corn...
Interviews with the animals at the Marine Life Institute about their experiences with Dory.
A poetic journey from the darkness of dawn into the brightness of the midday sun in the American Sou...
Glauco Mattoso, a blind sadomasochistic poet, agrees to participate in a documentary about his own l...
A child is born. We see underwater swimmers representing this. He is young, in a jungle setting, wit...
The earliest surviving celluloid film, and believed to be the second moving picture ever created, wa...
A film by Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince, shot in late October 1888, showing pedestrians and carriage...
Tells the story of a woodchuck which was taken to a state park to live and now entertains the park v...
This special feature showcases the intricacies of monitoring tigers in India and highlighting the po...
A 20-minute documentary film about the Kyrgyz people living by the Narym River.
Short documentary on the Antwerp Ford Motor Company plant.
An accurate depiction of the basic tenets of northern Mahayana Buddhism, cast into living or "experi...
Filmmaker Alain Resnais documents the atrocities behind the walls of Hitler's concentration camps.
Decades after his play first put gay life center stage, Mart Crowley joins the cast and crew of the ...
San Sebastián de los Reyes Bullring, Madrid, Spain, March 27, 1977. In response to the strange polit...
A sneaky duo has tricked the trains and taken over Mission Station! Can Flicker flex his skills on t...